
Hang on...

It's Tue... Been doing heavy office relocating since like... Fri? Pretty exhausted... But there are good things~

New phone lines activated w/o a hitch~  :D  But then... old phone lines are not deactivated as requested...  :(

About half of my stuffs are taken care of~  :D  But there are still half of them...  :(

Further... So much to do for the YAD conference... Sigh...

Hehe~ But then, this is what I chose, so yea, I'm happy with it~~~   ^O^



Messy..... Office is relocating..... pack pack pack... call ISP to relocate T1, call phone co. to relocate phone services, call HW vendor for rack equipment... call... call... call... Stressed too... all the things link one to the other. Missed one... don't even wanna imaging....